Thursday, February 22, 2018


Hey I got no time and I put my weekly off for way too long and now I’m crunchin it in!! This week was great! We talked to some cool people that are ready for the gospel and we are excited to get to know them more! It’s also starting to get pretty cold! We have been staying warm though!

I'm sorry my weekly is terrible, but what do you do! I hope you all have a great week and I just want you guys to know that it’s better for us to be all into the gospel than to only be a little in or not at all! I challenge all you guys to read elder Sabins talk from two conferences ago titled, all in or something like that!
Catch ya next week!!

Elder Rogers

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Home made, from China

This week was pretty good! There was a lot of craziness that happened, but it’s still been a good time here in Ramstein, like always. I’m super happy to know that I’m finishing my mission here, I had thought that when I got to this point I’d just sit in the back of the boat and let my companion do all the work, but it’s totally not like that! When anyone gets to the end of their mission they should be
at the front of the boat because they have good experience and have been doing missionary work for a while. I’m grateful for the Lord and everything he has blessed me with as I have tried my hardest to be the best representative of His church as I can be.
    As far as investigators and stuff, Douglas was busy when we stopped by so we will be coming back this weekend. We were supposed to meet with Tim this weekend as well, but he just fell out... it is what it is. And Anthony is actually making some good improvement! We had stake conference last weekend and he was able to make it! The stake presidency gave great talks as well as the other members that were chosen. Elder Sabin was also there and he really reached out to everyone there and spoke to their needs. We haven’t been able to meet with Anthony since, but as far as we know he knows a couple people from the ward already and that he liked the conference.
     Well besides that, it’s been crazy talking to people on the streets or at their door with three people. I can’t remember if I mentioned it last week, but Elder Adams and I have another Elder with us. His name is Elder Ashworth and he is in his second transfer so we are kind of double training him. It’s super weird, but it’s pretty fun. I’ve never had 2 companions at the same time so it’s cool to see how it works!
    Anyways, I’m very grateful for this work, for the holiness of it and also the miracles we see just by putting faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Take a second every night (before or after your nightly prayer) and reflect on what Jesus Christ has done or what He is currently doing for you. When you sincerely think of Christ and the suffering that He did for you individually, you will come closer to Him and feel more of His perfect, never-ending love. I have felt this love! I know what it’s like to feel so terrible that you don’t think the light of Christ can reach you, or that His love wasn’t meant for
you. But just like I was, you’re wrong. His love, light, and mercy are for you and me and everyone! Individually and always! He wants us to be happy, why would He go through all the suffering and pain for you personally if He didn’t care about your happiness!? He does truly love us, and that love is real because he loves us and knows what’s best for us.
     Everyone have a great week!!!!!!!!
Elder Rogers, the older one

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Schiebetür, Schiebetür

    This week was super great! We had transfer calls on Saturday night and Elder Adams and I will be staying in Ramstein!! I’m super glad, I’ve been here for quite a while and I don’t have a while left at all so I’m happy to be here for longer. Anyways, sadly elder Clarke got transferred. We all miss him tons and I wish he was staying, but it is what it is and the Lord needs him somewhere more than i want him here. But we will see each other again so no biggy!!
     Sooo last week on Friday and Saturday, and this last Monday is and the other elders helped a lady and her family build some new furniture in their new apartment. One of the things we helped her build was a huge sliding door closet cabinet thingy. It was terrible and took us sooo long to figure out the instructions. Anyways, it took us about 12 hours total but we eventually got it done!!
     Other than that, last week our appointments with our investigators fell out, but this week we were able to meet with one named Douglas and one named Anthony. They have been really awesome and we were able to have great discussions about the church with them. Anyways, Tim is also progressing really well and we are hopefully meeting with him on Friday! He is super close to getting an answer to be baptized, so it’s just a matter of sticking with him.
     Oh one thing I forgot is that elder Adams and I will be getting another missionary with us on Saturday! He is pretty new on the mission, but his companion is pretty ill right now so we will be having him for the transfer. We are excited but also hoping all is well for the other missionary.
     Well I hope everyone has a great week! I’m grateful for all that the Lord, Jesus Christ teaches us and for everything that we are able to accomplish through Him! I love this church and the safety that it brings into our life’s! I know it’s true and I can’t deny.
     Elder Rogers

Thursday, February 1, 2018


Hey everyone so this week was great! We had our district meeting on Tuesday and it was the last one for the transfer! Elder Clarke was pretty sure he was leaving haha! I also assigned him to teach about the law of chastity and he thought I was joking so he didn’t prepare! He asked me to just cut it out! He’s a dork but he is probably one of the funniest guys I know! We are like best friends forever now. Also he doesn’t have anybody waiting for him at home so if you want his email HMU!

We had a way Good Friday this week! I was on a split with Elder Clarke’s companion (German...) we met with one of our investigators Douglas and he wouldn’t pray because he didn’t want to like show God that he was doubting. But then we just talked for a while and he agreed that he needed to pray about the Book of Mormon! Then we met with Tim and it was way good and we asked if he wanted to be baptized and he said yes! He hasn’t gotten an answer yet but he is still praying and willing so now it’s just a matter of time! Then we went on base to chili’s with a less active member and he is like the coolest guy in the world! So it was one of the funnest splits I’ve had!

So we got a text from Douglas and he just said guys I got an answer but in a weird way but I think I understand it haha! So then he came to church on Sunday and told the whole Sunday school class that he missed a call from this over Facebook from this random guy and so he wrote him and asked him and the guy said it was just an accident! So he looked at this guys profile and it said he was from Heaven and working for God! So then he said that there was no way it was a coincidence to accidentally call someone through Facebook! So that was his answer haha!

I'm gonna wrap this puppy up with my testimony about prayer and receiving an answer to prayer.  I know that God hears and answers our prayers and He does it in a way that we will know it! So don’t get down if you don’t get answered right away cause He will answer you!
Love you guys!